Aurukun mechanical workshop reopens

by | Jul 15, 2024 | Community News

Aurukun will once again have a fully functional mechanical workshop for motor vehicle, plant and equipment servicing and repairs in the community with the appointment of Top End Mobile Contracting.

Aurukun Mayor Barbara Bandicootcha said Aurukun Shire Council had previously operated the workshop for the community but had been unable to get qualified staff for the past two years.

“I’m pleased that residents, Council and community stakeholders will once again be able to get vehicles serviced and repaired in Aurukun without the expense of bringing subcontractors into the community or sending vehicles elsewhere,” she said.

“Top End’s commitment to our community really stood out in the tender process as they will be engaging with the community at multiple levels, including providing employment for locals.”

Top End owner Sireli Volavola is excited by the opportunity the two-year contract will bring and has the option to extend by 12 months.

“We were very fortunate to have the assistance of Denise Cosmetatos from Activator Business Advisors who have been our advisor and consultant through this whole contract negotiation,” he said.

“I first lived and worked in Aurukun in late 1998 and was blessed to develop close family ties within the community and build a very close relationship with many people, so I’m looking forward to returning and giving back to the community.

“I am very passionate about working and helping in the communities, especially if it means assisting one or two youngsters achieve their dream of not only becoming a mechanic but to build themselves to become better people and future leaders of Aurukun.

“I’m planning on visiting the school to discuss setting up come and try days for older students in the hope of attracting them when they return from boarding school during the holidays.

“As the work increases, we hope to train local people and get their interest through the trade, and I am talking to Council about helping one of their workers to complete his diesel fitting apprenticeship.”

Mr Volavola and his wife Tina, an Angamuthi Traditional Owner from Injinoo, founded the business in 2022 to further develop it after three years of operation as a sole trader.

Top End Mobile Contracting has recently leased a workshop from the Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council (NPARC) at Seisia and is contracting to the Council. They were previously contracted to the Torres Shire Council as well as many smaller private businesses around the region.

Mr Volavola will have two full-time staff and a third rotating into the community as needed until the work becomes regular.

“There is a lot of potential for the workshop, and it will take a very committed team to get it off the ground, but we are looking forward to the challenges while providing these services to everyone living and working in Aurukun,” he said.