Free WiFi

NBN provides free WiFi at several locations across Aurukun


NBN provides fast, free outdoor Wifi via a ‘mesh’ network of 34 antennas located all over Aurukun.

NBN also provides free indoor WiFi at these 6 locations:

  • Aurukun Airport
  • Community Centre
  • Business Centre
  • Indigenous Knowledge Centre
  • PCYC
  • Island & Cape Supermarket


The NBN WiFi networks are named Aurukun_WiFi and IPStar nbn Community WiFi.  While both of these WiFi services are provided by NBN please note below their different support telephone numbers.


Connecting to the free Aurukun_WiFi Service

1. Connect your device to the Wi-Fi network named Aurukun_WiFi (you won’t need to enter a password)

2. Once connected to the network, follow the prompts on your device to reach the website

3.  You should be connected to the network if you tick the box to agree to the portal terms and conditions and click the ‘Start Browsing’ button.

4. For support call 1800 18 18 12.

Your device should connect to the service whenever it is in range for the following 7 days.  Once the 7 days have expired you will be prompted to accept the portal terms and conditions once again.  This 7-minute YouTube video contains more details about the free outdoor Wi-Fi service.


Connecting to the free IPStar nbn Community WiFi Service

1. Connect your device to the Wi-Fi network named IPStar nbn Community WiFi (you won’t need to enter a password)

2. Once connected to the network, follow the prompts on your device to reach the Welcome website page

3.  You should be connected to the network if you click “Get online” and then the “Continue” button.

4. For support call 1300 197 865.

Your device should connect to the service whenever it is in range.


Metered Data

These WiFi services are intended for community use and benefit. They are not designed for individuals to do lots of video streaming (like Netflix and YouTube).  This means access to some activities (like video streaming) may be shaped (slowed) at times.

Video Streaming or dowloading video from sites like YouTube and Netflix is treated as metered data, but this doesn’t include embedded video content on some social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok.  Virtual Private Network or VPN activity is also metered. If metered data use exceeds the community’s monthly metered data allowance, then both metered and unmetered speeds may be shaped (slowed).


Wi-Fi Calling and SMS Messaging

Wi-Fi Calling and Wi-Fi SMS Messaging allow you to make and receive phone calls and SMS messages on your regular mobile phone number using a Wi-Fi connection instead instead of mobile phone signal.  Not all mobile phones have Wi-Fi Calling/SMS capabilities.  Your phone may have the capability but it may be switched off.  To check if Wi-Fi Calling/SMS is working on your mobile phone, put the phone in Flight Mode, connect to Wi-Fi and then try to make a phone call or send an SMS message.  Refer to this Telstra webpage for more details.

While Telstra and its wholesale MVNOs are the only mobile phone service providers in Aurukun, customers of other mobile phone service providers will be able to make and receive phone calls and SMS messages in Aurukun if they are connected to these Wi-Fi networks and are using a Wi-Fi Calling/SMS capable mobile phone.


Content Filtering

These networks have content filterinig policies in place as agreed with community leaders and NBN.  This means that access to cetain websites is restricted.  If you try to view a website which has been blocked by the content filtering policy, an “Access Blocked” message will be displayed.