Cultural Services

Wik Mungkan IKC

The Wik Mungkan Indigenous Knowledge Centre was significantly refurbished in late 2016.   Computers are upgraded each year to allow IKC members internet access. The State Library of Queensland provide a book lending program.

Activities undertaken at the IKC include the Koolkan Aurukun State School flexi program (operating from 9am to 12 noon Monday to Friday), early years literacy program, Playgroup, Culture Archive and book lending program.

Local Radio

The local radio stations are broadcast from the IKC Building on Kang Kang Road.  The re-broadcast is generally limited to the residential area.  Radio broadcast is also accessible from your television set top box.

Blackstar Radio provides local programming content for Aurukun and other remote communities.  Tune into FM 107.7 for BlackStar Radio, to hear local news and updates from around the Cape.   For further information, contact Queensland Remote Aboriginal Media –



We’re Listening

This space is reserved for a link to the “We’re Listening” survey for the Wik Mungkan Indigenous Knowledge Centre and the Wo’uw Ko’alam Community Centre.