Council Meetings

Aurukun Shire Council meetings are usually held in the Council Chambers, 506 Kang Kang Road, Aurukun.

The usual date for each ASC Ordinary meeting is the third Tuesday of each month.  Council Meetings commence at 9 am. 

Due to COVID-19 social gathering restrictions public attendance in gallery is strictly limited.  Please contact the CEO for further information on 07 4060 6800.  

Please note that:

  1. All correspondence must be submitted with CEO 7 clear days before each meeting.
  2. All delegation requests must be lodged with CEO 14 clear days before each meeting.

Chief Executive Officer

Council Meeting Dates for 2025:

Date Meeting Type
21 January Ordinary Meeting
18 February Ordinary Meeting
18 March Ordinary Meeting
15 April Ordinary Meeting
20 May Ordinary Meeting
17 June Ordinary Meeting
15 July Ordinary Meeting
19 August Ordinary Meeting
16 September Ordinary Meeting
21 October Ordinary Meeting
18 November Ordinary Meeting
16 December Ordinary Meeting