You Need to Know
Access To Country
Visitors seeking to access country outside the residential area of Aurukun, require permission from Traditional Owners.
Please contact Cape York Land Council who can provide assistance in contacting appropriate Traditional Owners with respect to your request.
32 Florence Street
PO Box 2496
Cairns QLD 4870
Phone: (07) 4053 9222
Fax: (07) 4051 0097
Freecall: 1800 623 548
Volunteer In Aurukun
There are many opportunities for you to volunteer in Aurukun. The majority of these are in our Community Services and SES/Rural Fire Brigade. If you wish to volunteer, there may be some pre-requisites you will need to possess.
For information relating to volunteering, please contact:
- Director of Community Services: 07 4060 6817
- Director of Technical Services: 07 4060 6826
- Director of Corporate Services: 07 4060 6812
Road Conditions
Aurukun Access Road Wet Season Permits
Travel permits will need to be obtained from Cook Shire Council if travel restrictions are placed on the Aurukun Access Road from Aurukun Shire Council boundary to the Peninsular Development Road intersection.
During the wet season load limit or closure will not occur on the 70km section of the sealed Aurukun Access Road from Aurukun to the ASC boundary. Restrictions on this section of road will only be introduced if it is severely damaged by a natural event such as a cyclone or widespread flooding.
Aurukun Access Road within the Aurukun Shire Council area is open to all vehicles.
Aurukun Shire Council advises that all road users check the following:
- Cook Shire Council Ph 4069 5444 or on their website
- Peninsula Development Road: Information is available from the Department of Transport and Main Roads on their website
Wet season storms may cause local flooding at any time.
Please drive to the prevailing road conditions.
Remember: If it’s Flooded – Forget it.
Sorry Business Protocol
The purpose of this protocol is to provide clear, agreed procedures during Sorry Business in Aurukun for Queensland Government agencies and other service providers on expectations and requirements for continuity of service delivery.
Positions Vacant
Employment at Council
Aurukun Shire Council plays a crucial role in leading the community and addressing the needs of its residents. The Council works closely with various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-government organisations and local businesses, to improve service delivery and create opportunities for the community.
Our diverse workforce provides positions in areas ranging from Administration, Finance, Community Services, Animal Management, Parks and Gardens, Trades, and Mechanical. Council also offers a range of Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
We offer a range of challenging and rewarding work opportunities – whether you are starting a career or looking to enhance your existing skills. So come live, work and enjoy one of the most amazing areas in North Queensland.
Explore our current vacancies to find out more.
- Director Technical Services
- Executive Assistant
- Temporary Executive Assistant
Community Services
Koolkan Early Childhood Centre:
- Group Leader
- Educational Leader
Corporate Services
- Business Services Manager
Technical Services
- Carpenter
- Electrician
- Painter
How to Apply
Your application for a current vacancy must contain (unless specified):
- A cover letter detailing your knowledge, skills, experience and ability to meet the specified requirements as outlined in the job description
- A current resume
- The names and contacts of at least two work referees (people who have directly supervised you or who have knowledge of your ability to perform the duties of the advertised position)
Applications will be acknowledged by return email, and if selected for an interview, you will be contacted with details of when and where the interview will take place.
The Selection Process may also include. a medical assessment at the Council’s expense, a Working with Children Check and a National Criminal History Check.
If you require assistance with your application or further information regarding an advertised position, please contact Aurukun Shire Council – (07) 4060 6855
Applications to be emailed to: