Mayoral Statement – 23 August 2021

by | Aug 23, 2021 | Community News

(Related: Radio interview with Mayor on ABC Far North06 September 2021)

Good day my fellow Wik families,

In view of recent events, I feel the need to write this serious letter to you.

It concerns me greatly as your Mayor that I see the safety in our community is not improving.

It continues to get worse.

I ask you the following questions for everyone to consider…

How can we continue to have unrest with fighting and arguing between our Clans and Families?

Why can’t we live in a peaceful and positive environment?

Why have we seen recent disputes between families result in two more houses being damaged by fire?

How can we overcome housing shortages when 11 houses have been burnt by fire in the past 20months?

Do we expect Government to fund new houses and other infrastructure when we continue to damage them?

Do we believe that Government will continue to provide necessary funding to the Aurukun community when all Wik people cannot demonstrate that they are responsible?

Aurukun Shire Council with the support of NAKAC, FRC, Elders, APN, Community Justice Group, WWASP, Women’s Group, Youth Group, Koolkan Aurukun State School, Police, Whole of Government ask everyone to

  • Take responsibility for their actions
  • Show respect to people who have come to Aurukun to provide services for our community
  • Ensure that our children go to school EVERYDAY
  • Encourage all younger people to seek employment and not rely on benefits from the Government
  • Stop the fighting and violence
  • Stop the vandalism and damage
  • Stop the anti social behaviours
  • Stop the sly grog coming in
  • Stop binge drinking
  • Stop the drugs

I implore you to take check of how you lead your lives, make sure there is healthy food for you and your family. It is time for everyone to step up and be accountable.

Our children are watching us, parents are the first educators of their children, we must be positive role models for them.

I look forward to discussing any concerns that you may have, Enough is enough … lets all move positively forward in 2021 and beyond.

Mayor Keri Tamwoy
23 August 2021