Dog Registration

by | May 6, 2016 | Uncategorized

Aurukun Shire Council requires that all dogs residing in the Aurukun Council area are to be registered by their owners. A Council Resolution was recently passed stating that surgically de-sexed dogs can be registered free of charge as an incentive to keep dog population within the township manageable.

Any dogs that have not been de-sexed are subject to a $30 registration fee as per Council fees and charges.

The local animal law stipulates that there should only be two dogs registered per property. To be exempted from this law, an application with reasons needs to be provided in writing to the Director Community Services, Vivien Bull.

To register your dog(s), please contact Animal Control Officer Wayne Branden on 0447 159 759 or come into the Aurukun Shire Council Office.

Failure to adhere to dog registration requirements may lead to impounding of unregistered dogs.

Bernie McCarthy

Chief Executive Officer