Barge tender open

by | Sep 2, 2015 | Uncategorized

Aurukun Shire Council invites tenders for the purchase of a 6.0m x 2.4m tilt front barge plus trailer and 60hp Yamaha outboard motor.

All items will be sold on an “as is” condition and unregistered. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to inspect and assess condition prior to tendering. The price offered is deemed to be exclusive of GST unless noted otherwise. Items are to be paid for and collected within 21 days of notice of offer being successful.

The barge is available for inspection by contacting Tim Harper, Workshop Supervisor at Aurukun Shire Council Depot, Kang Kang Road, Aurukun, phone 0418 815 096 or 07 4060 6829.

Tenders addressed to the Chief Executive Officer must be delivered to the Tender Box, Aurukun Shire Council, 39 Kang Kang Road, Aurukun Qld 4892 or mailed to PO Box 1, Aurukun Qld 4892 by 4:30 pm on Friday 2 October 2015. The envelope must be sealed and clearly marked “Tender – Tilt Front Barge and Trailer”.

Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Bernie McCarthy  

Chief Executive Officer

Aurukun Shire Council