Aurukun Shire Council has a new look after unveiling a brand new logo to move the community positively forward into the 21st Century.
At a Special Meeting last Friday (8 May), Aurukun Shire Council officially adopted a new logo after considering a number of possible concepts.
The logo was approved after detailed consultation with the local community and Council staff over a number of months.
Aurukun Shire Council Chief Executive Officer Bernie McCarthy said the purpose of the new logo is to replace the current outdated Council logo with a modern, corporate and professional look.
“The new logo represents all elements of the Aurukun community: symbolism to the name (waterlily), the landscape (three rivers) and Indigenous markings (dots),” said Mr McCarthy.
“The Indigenous markings represent Aurukun’s five clans, and the best symbolism of this was through the use of dots.
“The colours are reflective of not only the landscape, but also the community.”
The new logo will have many identification uses, including signage, uniforms, vehicles, email signatures, letterheads, advertising, souvenirs, website, and social media channels such as Facebook.
The new logo will be officially introduced from 1 June 2015, with some initial transition commencing in mid-May.